
Showing posts from April, 2016

Take Me Out to ( My 1st! ) Ball Game

People are aghast when they learn that I never went to a baseball game as a kid, but money was tight growing up and my mother is a football fan, so going to a baseball game never made our To Do list.   I finally attended my first baseball game at age 27 because my Kiwanis club organized an outing to a Mets game.  I documented it with this display.  --> My tip to you for scrapbooking or photo displays: keep everything from your trip/outing; you never know where you might find inspiration or value and it'll give it a truly unique touch.  In this case, I  kept my cup from the game because it had the team logo.   I  filled it with marbles and vase filler beads in Mets colors:  blue, orange, and clear for contrast .   And it turns out that  photobooth picture protectors are a great size for tickets.  An  acrylic block holding my photo was the finishing touch and  I left the cup open at the top. If you'll be in the NYC ...

Letting Lyme Be Lime

My last post featured a Lyme disease awaren ess lime skirt .  I got inspired by the event to make a matching ring using green crystal beads that my friends had bought me years back that were just waiting for the right project. I thought this ring would be really straight-forward to m ake, but it turned out to be quite challeng ing because my earlier designs  and attempts at varying colors didn't work out.   That ' s when I thought of something that my high school poetry  teacher  said : if your poem wants to go in a different direction than you had in mind, don't fight the poem.  The ring was fighting my design, so I decided to let it stay simple like it wanted with a bead bouquet centered on the button.  Ultimately, I think it work s! I owe thanks to my poetry professor for inspiring me beyond the written medium.  It's no surprise; she's an amazing writer.  You can read her poetry at , and also read & support h...

Poodles and Ticks and Limes - oh my!

There was a p ediatric Lyme disease fund raiser this past weekend that I had been looking forward to for a month , but I was at a loss for what to wear .   I wanted something fun and f estive, but also comfortable to move in .  A poodle skirt that I had made a few years ago for an oldies rock n' roll dance came to mine and w hen I saw that limes were being used to promote the event, I decided to have my own homophone fun updating my skirt .   I bought a couple of hues of green felt and cut out some lime wedges to cover up t he poodle.   I also left a small opening at the top, which also made the lime a convenient pocket to hold my cash and lipst ick ! I got a lot of compliments throughout the night , the best one being in the form of the photographer insisting he needed a photo of me over at the photo booth, which is the one you see above .  (The green props were all his doing .) Th e even t was a big success towards a reall...