
Showing posts from June, 2016

Courtesy of my 1st Sewing Machine

I learned to sew by clumsil y following along with my mother as she mended cloth es when I was all of around 5 y ea rs old .  My sewing im proved with age (and the fin e motor skills that come with it ) , but it was extremely time consuming and then just plain limiting , as I started looking at bigger projects . Researching sewing machines was overwhelming though... ladies in the store scoffed bec ause I had never used one before and didn't know what to look for.  I wouldn't have minded , except sewing machines have become so technologically advanced that I honestly think it's eas ier choosing a smartphone.   M y best friend took matters into her own hands a nd bought me a sim ple small starter sewing machine for Chris tmas last year.  In figuring out how to use it, I created this pink tropical print dress in time for my vacation in Toront o!    So , with my 1st sewing machine at the age of 32, i t's finally the start of a whole new chapter ...