Never Too Young
G ifts don't have to cost an inordinate amount of money and handma de gifts don't have to be intricate . In fact, I find that the best gifts come from simple concepts that are just perfect for the occasion . As I've mentioned, I am a mem ber of my l ocal chapter of K iwanis International, a global community service organization that has clubs for just about every age group . A friend of mine often jokes that no one is too young to be part of the K-family, even embryos. So, when I learned that the first of our club was expecting his first chi ld, I used it as an opportunity to bring that concept into tangible fruition. Our club had just finished decorating onesies for the NY District First Lady's Proje ct, Warm Beginnings, which aims to send every n ew mother home with baby clothes . I bought an extra and borrowed the fabric ma rke rs to create this personalized onesie . We all had a good laugh and the gift was a hit - a simple concept that...