Spooky Lolli's
Even though I 'm not a big Halloween fan, I have to admit that it ranks up there as one of the most craft-able holidays. Th ese spooky lollipop s are a go -to favorite of mine because they're super easy to make and th ey 're enjo yed by kids and adults alike. You ca n experi ment with vario us fa brics. W hen I didn 't live near a fabric store, I succes sfully used layers of gauze from the drug store . I used linen f or the o nes pictured here . Burlap can also work, if you want a fall fabric. C ut your fabric into squares that are almost twice as lo ng as the lolli pop down to the stem . Cover the lollipop and bunch at the base, tie with ribbon, and add googly eyes . You can substitute orange or patterned ribbon for a more festive touch or even simply twist tie with pipe clea ner if you're super pressed fo r time . I gave these o ut at work a few years ago and one of my cow orkers pinned the wrapping after eating the lollipop,...