
Showing posts from March, 2016

Easter Basket Sneak Peek

Happy Easter, everyone!   Just wanted to share a preview of an Easter basket that I made , which I  entered in a Build-A-Basket contest .  The rules prohibit me from blogging it for another few weeks , so i n the meantime, wish me luck !   A nd check out the basket here :

In Full Bloom

It's officially spring!    I wasn't sure wh at project to feature this week, but d uring the course of my ongoing spring cleaning, I found a box of or igami paper that my mom brought back from vacation a few years ago ... and I think my last two posts put me in the mood to use it. So, this week, I'd like to share a kusudama (flower ball) that I made in spring colors. I pr omise that next week's post will feature something other than origami !   Stay tuned ...

A Ribbet-ing Start to Spring

Last week, I shared an origami crane party favor that my coworker commissioned for the gir ls at her daughter's birthday party .  This week, I continue my homage to the start of the sprin g season by sharing the or igami flipping frog that I made for the boys for the same party.  Ain't he a cutie?  --> I got the idea from something that happened while my friends and I were volunteering at a camp .  We're all city folk, so when one of my friends  stepped on a snake that then shot out to protect itself, we went fleeing  in the opposite direction, whereas the local kids were fascinated .   That moment is seared into my memory, so when I heard party favor s for boys, flipping frogs immediate ly came to mind.  It was also the one origami project that I couldn't g rasp as a kid, so this ga ve me the opportunity to finally learn it.     As  the name implies, these frogs really do flip .  (Technically, they're supposed to ...

Birds of a Feather... Spring Forward Together!

I t's certainly been feeling like the early spring that was predicted on Groundhog's Day this year a nd w ith the days getting longer (don 't forget to set your clocks ahead on Sunday ! 2am --> 3am) , we're sure to see the birds making their way ba ck .  So this week, I am featuring origami flapping cranes .   I made these for a   coworker who  commissioned me to make party favors for her daughter 's birthday party.  Being a baker herself , s he gave me a color schematic (pink and green) , but otherwise trusted me to make w hatever I thought the kids would enjoy. These "fl apping" cranes are what came to fruition (along with "leaping" frogs that I'll feature next week) .  I'm told they were a big hit!   Many thanks to my coworker for trusting m e and my creativity!  If you want to see her amazing cakes or even commission a cake, check out her work at Bim's Flavors .

And with the Push of a Simple Button...

Hello and welcome!  My name is Jenn and I have been meaning to start a craft blog for a while now .  Since today kicks off National Craft Month, it seem s fitting to debut today and with the project that kicked my crafting into high gear: a button ring.   This is both my first button ring and my first full jewelry piece! If you're not familiar with the button ring , it's exactly as its name implies - a ring made by layering a series of buttons.   I t's just a matter of finding the right combination of sizes, colors, and textures.   Th is ring was inspired by a boho blend bracelet that a friend gave me for Christmas last year.  The style and most of the colors are relatively new additions to my wardrobe, so the bracelet was both a welcomed gift and an intriguing challenge. Button rings are usually finished with a wire knot  center, but I used a copper and teal jewelry connector as a centerpiece so the ring could hold its own against such...