Last week, I shared an origami crane party favor that my coworker commissioned for the gir ls at her daughter's birthday party . This week, I continue my homage to the start of the sprin g season by sharing the or igami flipping frog that I made for the boys for the same party. Ain't he a cutie? --> I got the idea from something that happened while my friends and I were volunteering at a camp . We're all city folk, so when one of my friends stepped on a snake that then shot out to protect itself, we went fleeing in the opposite direction, whereas the local kids were fascinated . That moment is seared into my memory, so when I heard party favor s for boys, flipping frogs immediate ly came to mind. It was also the one origami project that I couldn't g rasp as a kid, so this ga ve me the opportunity to finally learn it. As the name implies, these frogs really do flip . (Technically, they're supposed to ...