A Ribbet-ing Start to Spring

Last week, I shared an origami crane party favor that my coworker commissioned for the girls at her daughter's birthday partyThis week, I continue my homage to the start of the spring season by sharing the origami flipping frog that I made for the boys for the same party.  Ain't he a cutie?  -->

I got the idea from something that happened while my friends and I were volunteering at a camp.  We're all city folk, so when one of my friends stepped on a snake that then shot out to protect itself, we went fleeing in the opposite direction, whereas the local kids were fascinated.  That moment is seared into my memory, so when I heard party favors for boys, flipping frogs immediately came to mind.  It was also the one origami project that I couldn't grasp as a kid, so this gave me the opportunity to finally learn it.   

As the name implies, these frogs really do flip.  (Technically, they're supposed to just kind of leap forward, but  something about the thickness of the paper gave them the extra tumble, which I thought was fun.)

Here's me having way too much fun at work... I set them loose on my desk and "caught" them for my coworker when she came by.

I also used the leftover paper to make matching food label cards for the party!  

The events that inspired this project transpired at Kamp Kiwanis, which does amazing work by providing a camp experience completely free to underprivileged children and mentally and/or physically challenged adultsHope you'll check out their website and consider supporting their work.
